Feeling Forsaken? Finding Assurance of God’s Presence in Every Season

Feeling Forsaken? Finding Assurance of God’s Presence in Every Season

After Elijah had killed the 450 prophets of Baal in 1 Kings 18, one chapter later in 1 Kings 19, at one threat from Jezebel he felt dejected and forlorn. Elijah Sometimes like Christians may feel 'orphaned' and feel like there is an absence of God in their circumstances. Those who really desire Gods presence, may even ponder what the evidence of the presence of Gods spirit is in their life when challenged by circumstances.  And whether indeed He is in them and with them as the bible says He is. Especially when we are faced with temptation, when we experience suffering. And when we desperately wait with bated breath for God to move, and we wonder whether God will come through for us.

This 'orphaned' feeling can also come from a false assumption that our faith will totally shield us from the challenges of living. This dilemma has often caused Christian's to question their faith and what they have come to believe should be accepted or excluded from their experience of life. After all, the main tenet of our Faith is built on 'Emmanuel', the God who is with us. So as Christians, how can we be sure of God's presence and how does the presence of God manifest itself? As a young Christian, I enjoyed going into church because I was led to believe that God is present in the Church building. I didn't need proof of this to believe. I would often go to a church to sit and enjoy the silence, pray or watch people setting up or setting down before and after the Holy Mass or the church service. I often walked into church buildings of all denominations expectant to meet God there and often had a sense that God was present. It wasn't the solemn nature of the building that was the core evidence of this for me. In all honesty, I also like how I feel during and after church. During church I particularly enjoyed the singing, the encouragement and the challenge the word brings, being around my Christian friends and church family. Jesus promised in Matthew 18:20 His presence when 2 or 3 are gathered in His name. I also believed this and perhaps this is confirmed to be so in all of those experiences and feelings time and time again. But of course we don't live out our lives in a church building. The challenge really does come when we require the assurance of His presence as we face our day to day challenges as even the story of Elijah illustrates. That’s why Jesus promised us His presence wherever we are by His Holy Spirit in

John 16:16-18

16 And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever—17 the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be[c] in you.18 I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. 

This assurance should sure up our faith and cast off all doubts about whether God is present with us and in us, because we know according to Jeremiah 1:12 that God watches over his word to make sure that it is fulfilled. 

Doubt and uncertainty is often part of the human experience. This is no different for Christians. But when we doubt God’s presence we can we can know for sure that God is still present in us if we still feel a desire for Him to help us, if we desire to be in his present, if we desire to know him, if we still desire to walk in his ways, if we still desire for him to intervene in our circumstance the way he sees best and we desire to know Him. It really is that simple we can know that He is with us by the simplest desire for him and His ways that exists within us. We also know his presence with each behaviour that is in accordance with the fruit of His spirit in Galatians 5: 22 - 23 which is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. As the psalmist put 

Psalm 42:7

"Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me".

Deep calls to deep as God in us by His Holy Spirit overtakes us and aligns our desires and preferred behaviours to reflect the presence of the divine in us. This is the outworking of His presence that drives us towards Him and is our confidence that He is with us.

At Faith With Finesse we have various religious books that helps to build our faith and gives a clearer understanding of God and His infinite presence in our lives. 

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